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PetPunk Presents: Our News In Pics
22 August 2011
There’s something we’ve got to come clean about. The last newsletter we sent out was in December. And it’s now August. That’s pretty bad. The thing is, we’ve been wanting to send out regular updates to all you really nice people who have joined our mailing list, but we’ve been struggling with the whole idea of newsletters in the first place.
Composition No. 1 Book + App film 1-2-3 ready for lift off
09 August 2011
They’ve been in the pipeline for quite some time but we would be lying if we pretended not to be ecstatic about these two little films created by Universal Everything to celebrate the launch of Composition No. 1.
Composition No. 1 Pre-order button well and truly ready for action
03 August 2011
Here’s the thing: we’re so nearly ready with all things Composition No. 1.
The advanced copies of the book have gone out, with the full bulk of books having just arrived at our shores, our little film about the book is being shot in windy UK this week to help encourage a wild bit of page shuffling, and our app is ready to go (approved by Apple and everything).
"I Hate You": A VE Fan Letter
03 August 2011
We got an email through the other day. The subject heading was “I Hate You”, which freaked us out a bit to be honest. But then we started reading and fell in love a little. A lot actually. Here’s what the rest of the email said. We just had to share.
Now, here's our first app (and not just because it's called Composition No. 1)
18 July 2011
We have just signed off our first ever… and we’re very excited. Ecstatic in fact. It’s not just the printed edition of Composition No. 1 (we’re totally head over heels in love with), which is our third book after all. No, our real first here is our iPad app for Composition No. 1.
Crafting Composition No. 1 (Thanks to Universal Everything)
04 July 2011
Not too long ago, someone asked us what we thought of craft: if it’s important to us and what kind of role it plays in our work. And it got us thinking. Craft, for us, is about detail, it’s about paying attention and it’s about (and this is going to sound so naff, but we mean it) loving what you do.