From Our Blog

Did You Draw That Yourself?
29 November 2013
The last couple weeks have been fantastically Where You Are-ful. We hung out with Tao Lin and his burrowing lunar hamsters with Sheila Heti and her re-imagined every day decision maker I Ching, and Joe Dunthorne and his literary landscape map with Geoff Dyer and his Cheltenham childhood map before black screens sent Geoff into a technological ether.
14 November 2013
Today is our official tadada day for Where You Are. We’ve talked about the maps in their treasure box, all those lovingly produced paper maps. The book in all it’s epic Chinese production is a few days away from physically landing on shelves in shops and hands at home. And there’s another epic something. Live. Today.

Where You Are Live Events: With Geoff + Joe; Sheila + Tao
8 November 2013
Our Where You Are live events gives you the chance to hear Geoff Dyer and Joe Dunthorne, and Sheila Heti and Tao Lin tell you all about growing up in Cheltenham, mapping literary landscapes, modernising the I Ching to help find your way when you’re lost, and mapping crazy sci-fi hamsters in 2027.

First Look Inside Where You Are
24 October 2013
For those of you who loved our new look Tristram Shandy, our tactile experience Tree Of Codes, our delightfully disorientating Composition No. 1, our turnable Kapow!, here is a first peek inside our latest and very nearly on our shores Great Looking Story, with 16 very different maps to make sure we all get fantastically lost.

Where You Are IS ON
17 October 2013
The suspense. Oh the suspense. And now, Where You Are is here. And it’s real. It’s really real.
It looks big. It feels lush. It’s full of texture: outside the box and inside, oozing with 16 different maps.

16 Writers x 16 Maps
6 August 2013
We’re digitally proofing, very nearly on press.
Oh what a spread. What. A. Spread.
Our Printer Says: "I Have Good News and Bad News"
11 July 2013
“I have good news and bad news”. We’ve been there before with Tree of Codes for different reasons. But still, when a printer says that, we’re back to balancing on the knife edge of the bloody carcass of crying and the happy summer fields of laughing hysterically.

Mason Wells Mapping Geoff Dyer
7 June 2013
We are so close to being ready to share more about our book of maps Where We Are.
With a Ryder dummy archive box already made and the contributions each making up their own individual maps as designed by Bibliotheque - one for each of our 16 contributors - we’re at the stage of getting the last bit of input from our amazing group of writers before the final press-green-button-to-go.

Mapping Out
8 February 2013
We’ve been wonderfully submerged, lost even, in the shaping of our book of maps. It’s our very first collection, with a super exciting line-up of talented contributors, and made with help from Tom Uglow at Google’s Creative Lab.

Where We Are
7 December 2012
In the week where the run-up to the holiday season feels in full gear and the year end shut down is within reach, we thought it would be nice to raise our glogg filled heads and do a bit of lift-lidding on our new book in a bid to kick into fresh beginnings.
The new book is called Where We Are. It’s a book of maps. Put another way: it’s a book that celebrates getting completely lost.