From Our Blog

Knocking Down Walled Gardens?
15 January 2013
Maybe it’s a post New Year reaction to all that Android vs Apple “who won the Xmas market” tablet face-off (Android won, in case you hadn’t heard), or too much FT reading in holiday news starvation mode. Either way, we’re feeling frustrated about living in what feels like walled gardens, feeling as though we have to peak into the Android world because we’ve been living in the Apple world for so long (it’s in the creative industry DNA, ya know).

Deadline Tears
16 November 2012
With the rooster of the world’s biggest economy having been re-elected and global liberal working-togetherness to crow about, it’s damn fitting that we’ve spent our days after the nail biting American elections, talking chicken or egg in creative terms with some very nearly-there deadline tears.
Thump: Whoaaaaa, It's an App
24 October 2012
We’re midst iPad drawing, writing, animating, programming and finessing for Thump, the first app to be released from our iPad collection by writer and illustrator Seonaid MacKay. A collection of dark writings and moody drawings that’s been every bit chicken or egg from the word go.