From Our Blog

Soho Martini Kapow!-ing
24 May 2012
We said pub dates didn’t matter. And we also said that launches don’t matter either. Our thinking has always been that you discover a great book in your own time. But alas, we were proved wrong last night, hosting our first ever launch party in an abandoned sex and cake shop (in that order) in the heart of Soho to celebrate Kapow!.

Cab Kapow!
4 May 2012
With the rain in London just refusing to stop, a story partly set in London, a narrator guided by a London mini-cab driver, well, we thought where better to film Adam Thirlwell talking about his new book Kapow! than in the back of a London cab?

Kapow! A Great Story. That is Also Great Looking
26 April 2012
So we realised that we’ve been banging on about how Great Looking our new book, Kapow! by Adam Thirlwell is, but not sharing too much about the Story itself. Which aside from being Great Looking, is also seriously Great. It’s the kind of can’t put it down even though the bath water’s turning cold and your skin’s going all crinkly kind of Great. The need to pee but you keep reading on with ever more crossed legs kind of Great.

Kapow! in Pics
20 April 2012
Advance copies of Kapow! by Adam Thirlwell landed in our studio on Monday, quite fittingly chiming with the start of the London Book Fair. And boy oh boy are we excited. The book feels real, is beautiful to hold and touch, it works and is giving people the giggles in all the right places. So far.

Houston, We Have a Cover. Houston, We Have Stopped Falling
23 March 2012
Okay, so this week we went beyond falling off the production cliff and we just kept falling. We thought we had tried it all before with Tree of Codes. What could be more difficult, right. Alas, we were proved wrong by Kapow! (fitting, really, for a book with that title too).

What Is it About Book Covers?
12 March 2012
We’ve all been working overtime (sleepless nights, shower epiphanies, five minute naps sitting upright) on Adam Thirlwell’s Kapow! And we’re nearly nearly there. The inside is pretty sorted. It’s beautiful. And insane. And everyone’s feeling it.

Kapowing Kapow!
24 February 2012
Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow! Kapow!
That’s what we feel like shouting. From every single rooftop. And believe us, if we could, we would.

Gearing Up and Going Out
17 February 2012
We’ve always been suckers for putting a bit (a lot, if we’re honest) of loving into everything we do. And yesterday was more of just that with an old school production line printing, folding, trimming press releases to send out announcing our new book by Adam Thirlwell.

Dreams Really Do Come True
27 January 2012
It’s true, sometimes they do. And this week it feels like it. They can even happen in three’s, that’s for sure:

A Year of Revolutions
13 January 2012
We know we’ve been pretty quiet on the “hey hey, we’re back from the holidays” front.
But it’s not because we’re still rubbing the sofa-telly-over-eating/drinking/sleeping/skating/playing out of our eyes, but because we’ve well and truly landed in 2012 with our foot on the accelerator planning the launch of our fourth book, by Adam Thirlwell, out this coming May.

Jane Austen Matchmakers
12 April 2011
Remember those contracts we had designed and put a lot of love into a few weeks ago? We did a lot of talking about the contracts, but not much talking about who the contracts were with. Well, they’re all signed and the ink’s just about dry, so we can now tell you that we’ll be working with Adam Thirlwell on a brand new book due to come out early next year.

A new VE in the making
17 March 2011
We’ve just biked over author contracts for a new book. And we’re very, very excited. Giddy even. Before we tell you who it’s with (we’ll wait for the ink to dry before we do), we wanted to tell you a little something about the contract itself.