Plastic Fantastic
30 November 2010
What a, to put it mildly, mental couple of weeks. Tree Of Codes is out now, and has had some amazing responses from all corners of the world. We’re slightly giddy with it all. When we saw these pics of the book in the Tate Modern bookstore, we were truly ecstatic. We’ll be honest with you, the plastic cover ain’t great, but we couldn’t get better protection in time. The other nutty news is we haven’t got enough books to go round all the bookstores, at the moment.
As you can imagine, production for this book is far from straight forward, which means getting books out is, well, not very straight forward either. So we’re sending books out to stores in batches when they come through from our beloved Belgian printers. We’ve also just pressed the button to reprint more books, which will be released, again as they’re ready, in the new year. We’ve still got books left in our warehouse, for now, so you can order through us (and your books come gift wrapped year round when you do).
So here it is, Tree Of Codes, out and about in its first two weeks of publication, coming to a great bookstore near you, and we love it: plastic or no plastic. We hope you do, too.
Anna + Britt