Late night Time Out thoughts on "e vs oldbooks"
19 August 2010
Flicking through Time Out this evening I came across yet another article on the debate on the future of the humble printed word. There have been many of them. Always boiling down to whether ebooks will take over oldbooks.
Anyone bringing printed books into the world is probably thinking about ebooks too. Brilliant Mark Waites from Mother London is telling me nearly daily that we have to think about our VE books on iTunes. We’re not ignoring what’s happening technologically, we’re just going with our gut at the moment and believing in books, e or old, being able to live alongside each other and us figuring out along the way what that means for ours. Time Out had a No man, a Yes man and a Maybe lady talking for and against, with Hannah Westland as the Maybe saying “I hope writers, agents, and publishers will get more creative and nimble about how they can capture readers with interesting and timely content - and in ways that ensure we can still generate sufficient income for writers to keep writing stuff we want to read”.
We like that thought, and hope that ours will do just that.
Night night for now