Visual Editions
Great Looking Stories

The menu of cocktails were flowing (and we’re pretty sure they got stronger throughout the night thanks to Bulliet). And the launch seemed hands down much ruder than what we usually get up to on a Monday night, thanks not just to the fantastic readings and their writers and the lethal cocktails but also to everyone for coming and listening and talking and laughing.
The London stories are part of our Bedtime Stories at Ace Hotel collaboration, where we’ve invited six authors local to both LA and London to write bedtime stories. Los Angeles writers Brian DeLeeuw, Aimee Bender and Jessica Garrison are reading their stories live in the Downtown LA Ace Hotel later this month, after which all six stories will be woven together with soundscapes by Seattle-based musician Thomas Meluch (aka Benoit Pioulard), and broadcast on a dedicated Bedtime Stories radio channel at Ace Hotels from 1st July. Boom.
The incredibly talented design team Julia developed the whole concept and the design too, and you can still catch their big lush walls of writers’ quotes in the Ace Hotel Shoreditch lobby now, and in Downtown LA soon.
A + B
- Recently: Bedtime Stories on Ace Hotel Radios
- Previously: Tree of Codes: The Ballet