Visual Editions
Great Looking Stories

We’ve been a little quiet on the surface lately. But super busy underneath it all. We kicked off February with fantastic news from Arts Council that they are supporting us in the making of our re-imagined Don Quixote.
This means that the Arts Council grant in combination with the amazingly generous support from our Kickstarters (making it possible to send photographer Jacob Robinson to follow in Don Quixote’s footsteps in La Mancha) helps to get the book’s full making under way now. We’ve hit the year running and set the publication date of September 22 2015.
The aim for our re-imagined Don Quixote has always been to create a different experience of the book and to use photography and design as a new entry point into this beast of a classic. And yesterday was our first picture selection day, getting together all of Jacob’s photographs, getting them printed cheaply on nasty glossy photo paper and plastering them onto our walls. Here for the first time, we could see the selection as a whole set, off screen and in print and began the gruelling editing and selection process. Working with themes that appear in the book and grouping them thematically. Making sure there are plenty of “landscape shots” and “night time scenes” and no doubt plenty of “castles” and “windmills” too.
Fraser Muggeridge, who is designing the book, joined us a little later on in the day, and together we went from 175 pictures to 60 that we love on their own, that work as a collection and that are true to the spirit of Don Quixote, faithful to our ambition of capturing the epic landscape, the fantasy laden layers of the prose and the classic La Mancha journey throughout contemporary Spain.
It looks and feels incredibly exciting. We can’t wait to show and share more with you over the next few months. We hope you like it too.
A + B
Our News
Ding Dong Don
We’ve been blown away by the response to Where You Are: printed book and its open access website. The amazing (and patient) writers, designers and programmers we’ve worked with have made our hearts throb and our brains ache.
VE Does Don Quixote
We’ve been wanting to do another re-imagined classic for quite a while.
Our Don Quixote is Here
It’s been a long journey. That’s for sure. We’ve been to La Mancha and back with photographer Jacob Robinson, we’ve lost ourselves in 936 pages of lush design with Fraser Muggeridge Studio.
Pre-order your Don Quixote. Now.
Ridiculous and very long and completely overly ambitious, and only made possible with the help of our Kickstarter supporters (thank you all of you), and heaps of patience (thank you universe).
Be Part of the Journey: Capturing Don Quixote
We’re on Kickstarter. And in Spain. Join us.
- Recently: We're Having a Sale!
- Previously: Editions at Play