Visual Editions
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A Universe Explodes by Tea Uglow, published as part of Editions At Play, is on one level, a book about a parent whose world gradually falls apart. The book is also a blockchain book which means it is owned by a collective of people who, through blockchain which works much like a library card ledger, who progressively reduce the book to a single word per page.
TL Uglow (‘Tea’) is Creative Director of Google’s Creative Lab in Sydney. She works with cultural and creative organisations around the world exploring the space between technology and the arts and what can happen where they intersect.
Published April 2017 by Editions At Play with Visual Editions
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The Story that Drives
We’ve been having fun roaming around our local streets with Google ZOO and Mercedes-Benz Italy, virtually that is, working with them on how to tell a story that automatically adapts to readers’ conditions in the way that Mercedes 4matic technology does.